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Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

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Winter Riding

  • 07 Feb 2017 8:38 AM
    Message # 4595816
    Deleted user

    Anybody do winter riding? The Ural crowd can do this im sure. We have some brave soul here. I haven't seen them yet. I'd think the driver would need a body safe to stay dry. Snow is ok but salt and slush im not sure....comments?

    Last modified: 07 Feb 2017 8:40 AM | Deleted user
  • 07 Feb 2017 9:08 AM
    Reply # 4595844 on 4595816

    I rode my outfit for several years year around  back in the seventies but don't do much these days. the big problem in those days was the salt. I used to rewire the bike twice each winter because the salt would "eat" the wires right off the bike, especially around the connections. These days I use a snowmobile suit sprayed with tent waterproofing to keep dry, and use trials universal tyres with hex head sheet metal screws in the knobs for traction. Even one wheel drive works well this way. My main concern is that the majority of cage drivers  out there are brain dead with their phones and texting and this is really scarey  in dry conditions without considering snow and ice. Luckily  I live in  the back country with lots of lightly travelled roads

  • 07 Feb 2017 7:41 PM
    Reply # 4596809 on 4595816
    Deleted user

    Thane..i know that feeling seeing distracted drivers. Totally impaired. I was hit by one..fortunately i was in my van. I'm in tbe country too. I did one lap on my 1969 Harley Sidecar during first snow  years ago. Wasn't all that squirrelly big heavy bike though.

    I see at Petes Superbike they have winter tires!


  • 07 Feb 2017 7:51 PM
    Reply # 4596815 on 4595816
    Deleted user

    Is it possible to insert pics here? In the buy and sell forum it's possible. That festure may not be available here...Doug

  • 01 Mar 2017 9:36 AM
    Reply # 4641207 on 4595816
    Deleted user

    I ride year round , ski clothing to keep dry - i do make an attempt to stay off the roads

    on the particularily wet and slushy days though - i dont NEED to be out on the bike on 

    the worst for days after all ! 

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

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