Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes |
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Who are we?
- Our diversity speaks for itself.
- Members live at various parts on the Eastern Shield, in Eastern Ontario
- Eastern Shield area covers Trenton, "The County", Belleville, "North to 7", Smith Falls & Kingston
- Membership includes: Cornwall, Pembroke, Tottenham, Oshawa, Alma & Fort McMurray
- Enjoyment of riding, vintage restorations & social events
- Ranking as top interest:
- Riding vintage bikes on some of the best roads of all Ontario,
- Vintage off-road events: motocross, road racing, flat track, trials and
- Repair and restoration projects
- Technical support and ideas are shared at meetings, events and social gatherings
- As an overall goal, we encourage the younger generation to take the reins of "being vintage!"
President: Geoff Doherty