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Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes

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ontario bsa owners

About Ontario BSA Owners

Ontario BSA Owners has been an active 'special interest group' within the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle
Group (CVMG) since 2006. Only CVMG members are permitted to join Ontario BSA Owners. 

Ontario BSA Owners is a recognized BSA Owners group by the BSA Owners Club of the UK.

Ontario BSA Owners activities and events:

  • two annual meetings - spring and fall.    
  • typically 1 to 3 other events annually other than meetings.   
  • display BSAs as a group at the CVMG National Rally in Paris Ontario. 
  • attend events as a group e.g., CVMG events and events in the USA for BSA owners.
  • share information about BSAs.   
  • submit articles to CVMG News.

For further information, contact the current Secretary/Treasurer for Ontario BSA Owners:

Other BSA resources:     

(Last updated Dec 2018) 



The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

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