Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes |
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Welcome to the CVMG's classified ads You must be a CVMG member and logged in to this site in order to post or reply to items here. Members can list motorcycle-related items: anything from parts or documents to complete motorcycles. CVMG Members who are logged into this website can ask questions using the Reply button. Non-members can view items but cannot reply or post for themselves. For just $40/year you can have full access and benefits of membership, including a monthly online newsletter with more classified ads. To join the CVMG, click here. CAVEAT EMPTOR: WE RECOMMEND DOING ALL TRANSACTIONS IN PERSON. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS A MEMBER OF THE CVMG, THEY ARE NOT SCAM ARTISTS, OR THAT IF SOMEONE RESPONDS TO YOUR AD THEY ARE ACTUALLY A CVMG MEMBER. YOU AND ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECURITY OF YOUR FINANCIAL INFORMATION, AND WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION PUBLISHED ON THE ADS, OR THE RESULTS OF ANY TRANSACTION YOU DECIDE TO ENTER INTO. What is Caveat Emptor?Caveat emptor is a Latin phrase that is translated as “let the buyer beware.” The phrase describes the concept in contract law that places the burden of due diligence on the buyer of a good or service. Caveat emptor is a fundamental principle in commerce and contractual relationships between a buyer and a seller. According to the caveat emptor principle, a buyer is responsible for performing the necessary due diligence before the purchase to ensure that a good is not defective and that it suits his/her needs. If the buyer fails to perform the necessary actions, he or she will not be entitled to any remedies for damages in case the purchased product shows significant defects. How to post photos with your advertisement A frequently requested feature is the ability to include a photo(s) of an item in your ad, or forum posting. Right under the text box of the ad, click on "Choose Files". Highlight the photos in your computer folder and click "Open" at the bottom of the window. The system won't accept ".JPG" files, but it will accept .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff. Back in your ad, click on "Confirm". You are done! BEWARE OF SCAMS AND SCAMMERS! The public can view the information in this forum. If you include personal phone numbers and/or email addresses, they can respond to your ad even though they are not a CVMG member! PLAY SMART! IF a deal sounds to good to be true, it probably is!!! Specific information such as general location and price may help get responses to your ad, but be very careful not to include personal information such as phone numbers, exact location etc. We are getting reports of scam artists responding to ads. Sample scam recently sent to us: This guy below turned out to be a scammer. I called him back and caught him off guard at which time he said “I am interested in your ad.” I asked him what he wanted. Then said “Oh ya, you have a car for sale on Facebook.” I told him no that I had a bike for sale but did not include that It was only listed on the CVMG site. Then he sort of caught on said “oh ya, you have motorcycle. I like British motorcycles. What model and year is it?” The discussion went on a bit at which point I confirmed that he hadn’t the slightest idea what he was supposedly interested in. This was all went on with a heavy middle eastern accent. After I of queried him a bit more I told him to forget about it. This is his reply message to my ad: from “Anonymous” message “Please Call me or message me with the price to 4168358147” |
CAVEAT EMPTOR Use and posting of information on these pages is at the personal responsibility of the User. |