Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes |
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We are located in the Niagara Peninsula, home of “The Prettiest Sunday afternoon drive in the world” - according to Sir Winston Churchill. Our members collect and ride motorcycles representing a wide spectrum of years and types, both on & off road. We participate in various shows throughout the year where we display our pride and joy machines to the public. Monthly Section Meetings: Niagara Peninsula is holding Section meetings in person at the Welland County Motorcycle Club clubhouse, 603 Netherby Rd., Welland, on the 1st Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. Please contact our President, John Tiffin before attending, to confirm. Sunday breakfasts: We meet at different locations throughout the peninsula, please contact "Section Contact" - Andy Clark for the location of a specific date. Section Executive for 2024-2025: President/Contact: John Tiffin, Vice-President: Andy Clark, email: Secretary: Dave Hinder, Treasurer: Graham Stubbs, Webpage Admin: Daniel Klestorny,