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Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes

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Tech tips & info forum

This is a general forum with postings of useful technical information of motorcycles and related topics. Postings in this forum will be kept indefinitely  for future reference.

Only members can create topics and write comments. The public can read them. Please avoid personal insults, profanity, slander etc. Members wishing to discuss club business, should use the Members' blog which is restricted to member viewing.

Non-relevant posts may be removed.  Any member who persists in posting inappropriate material may be blocked from
using this forum.

No businesses may advertise in this forum.  If you are a store, business, or organization interested in advertising with the CVMG, please contact our Newsletter editor.

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The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

Copyright © 2020 Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

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