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Getting Ownership/Title for a Motorcycle

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  • 12 Dec 2020 3:25 PM
    Reply # 9424862 on 5299871
    Deleted user

    FYI I am currently in BC. I think that I had this bike registered here before Alberta and am going through an established government mechanism to find out. But I am completely clueless about Alberta. 

  • 28 Dec 2020 12:00 PM
    Reply # 9469085 on 5299871
    Deleted user

    Got no replies here, but perhaps can contribute some information useful for others:

    1. If a bike was registered any time from 1984 on in Alberta you can probably get that information. If you were the actual registered owner you should be able to get all the relevant information and proceed to re-registration.

    2. If you are inquiring about 1983 or earlier in Alberta you are SOL on historical records. You however can then do a statutory declaration in conjunction with a (private) registry office.

    3. Classic Vehicles at ICBC is the first place to contact if you are in BC. The two guys that work there know the ropes and are very helpful. In my case this led to a VIN search for the mid 1970s which produced nothing.

    4. Since 2015 BC has made provision for anyone to go through a process of registering a classic vehicle BEFORE it is restored--even if you got it somewhere else.

    5. In my case I have submitted a statutory declaration and supporting evidence to ICBC to get my Norton registered. We'll see what happens now.

    Last modified: 28 Dec 2020 12:01 PM | Deleted user
  • 08 Jan 2021 12:00 AM
    Reply # 9756119 on 5299871
    Deleted user

    Quebec  2021 . I believe it is impossible to register an undocumented bike  in Quebec . I have  spent many hours trying to register a basket case with no papers . The "Sell it to your mate in Ontario and he will register it on a Bill of sale and then sell it back to you with an Ontario registration " plan will not work .It's an attempt to stop chop shops welding the front end of a stolen car  to the back end of another stolen car to create a new undocumented car   -or something - the explanation got too convoluted for my level of French .

    You can go the " artisinal fabrication " route where you assemble a bike from parts and attempt to register if via an ill defined process dictated by the SAAQ .You risk rejection after spending time and money . At best the rebuilt  bike would be registered as a  " Muppet 650 Mark1 Artisinal" , which would have a lower value than a rebuilt Bonneville .

    I suspect that there are barns all over Quebec stacked with bikes which are only saleable for parts or scrap 

    nvoluted.Old bikes are cilateral damage  for my French 

  • 09 Jan 2021 6:41 AM
    Reply # 9774587 on 5299871

    I got an ownership for a 73 Suzuki barn find that was never registered. Bill of sale was a big help. 1200 miles of barn yard use on the speedo. The 1973 ONT plate found  on it was traced to a Yamaha.

    In Ontario you'll get a file number on your ownershio.

  • 10 Jan 2021 12:06 AM
    Reply # 9803468 on 5299871
    Deleted user

    What year did you register the undocumented Suzuki on a Bill of Sale??

    In 2020 Montreal cops , 3 SAAQ outlets , and a  guy in SAAQ head office in Quebec City all said' no way '

    At present the only option seems to be building it up from parts,attempting to register it as an " Artisinal  Build "and submit it forSAAQ verification . You might get a registration for a "2021 Artisinal built Muppet MK1 650" rather than a 1970 Triumph Bonneville .

    Or you might spend time and money on a project that is rejected by the SAAQ with no explanation 


  • 09 Feb 2021 3:55 PM
    Reply # 10073226 on 5299871

    Thanks all! Visited my local Service Ontario today and got the ownership papers I needed!! 

    Last modified: 10 Feb 2021 11:01 AM | John
  • 03 Apr 2021 1:01 PM
    Reply # 10269207 on 5299871
    Deleted user

    Quebec sait  faire , A story mind games with the SAAQ and Revenu Quebec in 2021 !

    I have been all round the SAAQ bureaucracy trying to register an old bike .

     Here are my conclusions 

    SAAQ does not want to know about old bikes 

    No paper work ? Forget it it, is impossible to register a bike, with no paper work in Quebec .

    You could try the "Artisnial Fabrication "route , where you build a bike from parts and try to register it . At best your lovingly rebuilt Bonneville might eventually  be registered as a Muppet Mark 1, or it might get lost in the quagmire which is the SAAQ . It would a major crapshoot where the SAAQ will probably win .

    Even with paper work it is an uphill battle to register an out of province bike in Quebec .

     I bought a 1972 Triumph Tiger in Ontario , with Ontario registration papers  I also  established from the Revenue Quebec web site that the value for Quebec Sales Tax  was " Generally " assessed on the price on the Bill of Sale for transactions between private parties. No separate evaluation was required in this particular case 

    The SAAQ clerk didn't even  want to see a Bill of Sale , she demanded an " Evaluation from a Quebec Source" and was hostile to the " import  of a Foreign Bike" . Her attitude was supported by her manager  .

    Revenue Quebec agreed with the SAAQ , despite the contrary  statement  on their own website ! Apparently ' generally " has a different meaning in Quebec government speak . Revenu Quebec can do whatever they want .

    I appealed this interpretation and also set my MNA loose on Revenue Quebec . Result ? I needed an evaluation to register the change of ownership !!! I now have an evaluation an a Quebec registration .

    Given the loosy goosey wording of the Artisinal Fabrication documentation and the creative use of  language by the Quebec government , I'm glad I decided not to venture down this road !  


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The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

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