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Canada Customs Charges on Parts

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  • 03 Mar 2021 9:25 PM
    Message # 10161371
    Today I received a +50 year old motorcycle fender, in the mail, from the USA. Despite paying the sender for “shipping” Canada Post notice suggests I owe another $138! Usually I just pay the hit, but this seems outrageous. My understanding is there is no duty on used, old parts. Anyone know for sure and ever contested these charges? Thanks, John D.
    Moved from General Forum: 12 Aug 2021 9:57 AM
  • 04 Mar 2021 12:15 AM
    Reply # 10162124 on 10161371
    Ian (Administrator)

    I have done so John

    On 2 occasions Canada Post re labeled over the originals and charged me duty. The first was for womens clothing according to the document..I opened the box in front of the postal girls to confirm inside was rims.Now I have witnesses . The 2nd time was a re stamp over the original custom forms that clearly stated Vintage motorcycle parts..In both cases I took photo's and followed the instuructions to contest the Duty..I won both.

  • 04 Mar 2021 8:30 AM
    Reply # 10163345 on 10161371

    Yesterday I had to endure Canada Posts new overseas shipping program where you do all the info on your computer/device and print off your own labels or put barcodes on a phone etc and bring to post office. Website (though simple) didn't work, don't have a printer or cell phone/device so back to post office where I managed to get package shipped the old way,took less time than 5 minutes. But no guarantee that item would actually be shipped and if it isn't delivered I pay for return postage or they toss it!

  • 04 Mar 2021 1:18 PM
    Reply # 10164125 on 10161371

    My story has changed. Today I actually picked up the parcel. In December, I sent two parts to a contact in Australia who wanted to make his own (parts are +50 years old). This package was him returning them to me. Which, he clearly stated on the paperwork. I sent in the forms requesting a refund. However, as I did not “Export” them with the correct explanation, not holding my breath. What a bunch of knobs. 

    Last modified: 04 Mar 2021 1:18 PM | John
  • 16 Mar 2021 9:25 AM
    Reply # 10202810 on 10161371
    Deleted user

    I ordered two wheels, an exhaust, two side covers, a points set and wheel dampers from Thailand from a single seller for my '64.. surprisingly cheap, $250 for the lot. When they arrived at my door - together - on the same day - in 6 different packages - the duty charges were around 60 each on the wheels and exhaust, 20 for each side cover and 20 for the dampers and points.
    It was a rough morning.

    I have heard that $60 is a sweet spot for getting by Canadian customs and a lot of my friends that buy things from foreign shopping sites ask the seller to mark the value down and send it as a gift. I think it voids the shipping insurance, but no one I know has had a package lost yet..

  • 18 Mar 2021 12:54 AM
    Reply # 10208464 on 10161371
    Ian (Administrator)

    The only time I seem to pay HST is when the seller ships by fedEx. UPS or DHL..I recently had 3 large $ parcels from the UK and the EU . NO HST on 2 except the one shipped by DHL.

  • 02 Apr 2021 8:29 PM
    Reply # 10266812 on 10161371

    I just got a parcel from the UK shipped by courier service (Parcel Force)  it arrived at my door in five days and was delivered by Canada Post. No duty's etc.  Not complaining .PS was marked as Vintage MC parts,

  • 08 Apr 2021 12:20 AM
    Reply # 10285810 on 10161371
    Ian (Administrator)

    I just had 2 expensive packages  of BMW parts arrive from the UK by fedEx ,no fee's ZIP nothing..and delivered to my door..That is a First !!!! Usually they want paid up from before any delivery..

  • 12 Apr 2021 2:35 PM
    Reply # 10304275 on 10161371

    I just ordered a BMW fairing and windshield from Poland. The fairing was $600 less than ordering from Wunderlich in the U.S. The package cost 80 Euros to ship and arrived at my door with no fees.

    I use Cross Border Pick-ups to bring packages from the U.S. and I declare them as vintage parts "Parts Exempt Under Canadian Tariff 9966.00" and they arrive with no duties if they are for a vehicle older than 25 years.  

    Also look here:

    In general, if you use a courier service, you will be charged duty, taxes and brokerage fees. If you use mail from the U.S, you will be charged taxes and very rarely duty. If the package comes via mail from somewhere with non-English writing i.e. Poland or Thailand, it will arrive with no fees or taxes.

    That's my experience anyway.


  • 16 Apr 2021 10:34 PM
    Reply # 10320780 on 10161371
    Ian (Administrator)

    Dan. I bought my BMW parts from motoBin in the UK..EG a seat was $300 cheaper than the Uk same as the windshield was far cheaper even with postage than from the USA..All 3 $$$ packages sent by fedex..No charges !!  .

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The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

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